
Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay to get my quotes?

All the quotes provided by our suppliers are free of cost. You don't have to pay anything to receive the quotes.

How many quotes will I get?

This will depend on the area you are currently living in and the area you want to move on to. We try to use the local removalist or storage facilities in your area to get you the best deals, because of this the number of quotes you will receive will depend on the number of suppliers we have in your locality. However we try to provide at least 3 quotes at any given time.

Does Removals Compare provides all the quotes?

Removals Compare do not provide any removals or storage service. Removals Compare only acts as a liaison between You and the Our Suppliers. The quotes you will receive will be sent to you by suppliers registered with Removals Compare.

Do I have to pay Removals Compare a service fee if I accept a quote.

No you will not be required to pay Removals Compare any thing. If you choose to accept a quote, you will only need to pay the suppliers for their services.

I did not see a payment page on Removals Compare website, how do I pay for the quotes I have chosen?

Removals Compare does not provide any transaction services. You and the supplier you have chosen will be responsible for making all the necessary payment arrangements.

I keep getting quotes from the same suppliers? How is this happening?

This again depends on the area you are inquiring about and the number of suppliers registered with us in that area. You can use our contact us page to inquire about any other suppliers we have registered with us that you might be interested in getting a quote from.

Are you a removalist company? Join the other Australian removalist companies by signing up to Removals Compare.

Its easy to join the other removalist services companies and get listed on the Removals Compare website. We would invite you to sign up your company if you are a legitimate removals company with a registered ABN and a reputation for providing first class removals services at competitive prices. Your application will go through a vetting process and if successful you will get the opportunity to win work from legitimate customers looking for your business.

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